NOTES ABOUT COMMUNICATION/ Sanja Andjelkovic - van 11.02.2017 tot 8.03.2017

Opening 11.02.2017 van 16.00 tot 19.00
NOTES ABOUT COMMUNICATION is a documentary-drawing work in watercolor technique, which takes the focus of touch, sight, voice - a gesture! As an indication of the time and everyday passers-by.
Somewhat ironically, seeks to explain the communication through visualization of non-communication.
Template for the creation of the work is taken by previously read writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein on aesthetics, sound mark (the mark within
language), anthropological archetypes of human behavior, sociological / political affiliation of a certain culture and enters
the domain of subjective sensory experience of the observer.

Sanja Andjelkovic (1991) is a visual artist, currently attending studies at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, Department of New Media.
She is engaged in research in the field of documentary practice where considering/questioning its position in the system of gender, political, social roles or traumatic moments of personal biography/history.
Major projects:
- Testimony- Truth or Politics (2017) (ongoing project until June); Shortz- international film festival (2016);
- Exhale Exhile 2016;
- Experimentalsuperstars- International film festival (2016);
- Organs and organisms (Museum of Contemporary Art (2016)); Literature in Transit, TILF (Tirana International Festival of Literature) (2015);
- Socio-politically engaged art workshop with persons with disabilities (2015);
- Prayer for the unborn child-performance (Liv Holmberg (2013));
- Truth is Concrete-series of performances (Graz, Austria, Steirischer Herbst (2012)