ZATERDAG 2 SEPT.. 2017 OM 16.00 UUR
VAN 16.00 UUR TOT 19.00 UUR
Niffo Galerie/ Recycle Studio
Pretorialaan 4b
3072EM Rotterdam
GELE HAILU is a descendant of the indigenous Hamar tribe far south of Ethiopia. His art comes from the heart out of the cradle of humanity! Gele has been raised as a shepherd and as a hunter. He has learned to take care of the flock of goats and cows from his father.
He started his art to "draw" with cow dung on trees and ground. In later life he discovered painting when he came in contact with tourists and the civilized world. The first 15 years of his life he has had no contact with people other than his own Hamar tribe.
The Hamar people are called pastoralists and are deeply connected to the Earth. They live without electricity and running water; the nature is their playsurface. The basic and simplicity of life is preserved thanks to long seclusion. Sharing life in connection with nature and the animals are the building blocks of their existence.
Gele makes paintings on canvas and wood waste - Gele makes magic sticks - Gele paints everything that invites him to be paint up on, till the wall in your living room!