ZATERDAG 30 SEPT.. 2017 OM 19.00 UUR
VAN 19.00 UUR TOT 22.00 UUR
Niffo Galerie/ Recycle Studio
Pretorialaan 4b
3072EM Rotterdam
Invitation for an exhibition opening
On 30th of September at 7pm we are looking for unstable individuals, who would like to educate themselves more about themselves.
Borderline Buddhies 0.2/ Far out thoughts
F: I do not trust in you anymore.
R: Why not?
F: You are lying to me.
R: Why do you think so?
F: Because St Maarten had a hurricane.
R: Whaat?
Tips for communicating with someone with borderline disorder
1. Be realistic.
2. Leave if necessary.
3. Simplify.
4. Separate the person from the behavior.
5. Address feelings before facts.
6. Keep focusing on your message.
7. Ask questions.
8. Remember the importance of timing.
9. In the midst of an intense conversation that is escalating and unproductive, practice Delay, Distract, Depersonalize, and Detach.
Henrietta Müller - Transylvania (Romania) - loves to surf through different waves and open up the borders between art fields. Currently based in Rotterdam, the youg artist believes that art events and exhibition openings are good excuses for real meetings and free drinking. Her works are reflecting on her fast changing life and her awkward social interactions. Recently (in 2017) she started the Borderline Buddhies movement because she wants to create awereness about the borderline personality disorder (BPD). ”We have to take care of our unstable relationships.”
Anne Caesar van Wieren, from Netherland is an illustrator, animator, composer and artist. His illustration work appeared in newspapers like NRC Handelsblad and Trouw. He made animations (videoclips) for bands like Moss, Alamo Race track, Karawane, LPG and many more. His sound art was exposed at festivals like "Into the great wide open" and "Peter de grote festival". So much to do, so little time!
Slik (Szabolcs Nagy) born and raised in Transylvania (Romania).
His interest in the hip-hop subculture developed in his early childhood. He got his first spray can and made his first graffiti in 2002. Later he finished Graphic Design at PKE University, Oradea (Romania). After long years of graffiti painting (with shorter and longer breaks) he started to have interest insurfaces other than walls, for example canvas. His passion for op-art is brand new, he made his first ever op-art painting last year. Since then he is continuously experimentig and developing his style. His main goal is to bring back his paintings on the walls. Recently he made his first op-art mural as well. At the moment he is living and creating in Amsterdam.
More artists, who will perform and make sure you’ll have enough moodswings:
Jorrit Westerhof //music//
Joost Oomen //poetry///
Herman Koekkoek //music//
Zoe Daniela Cochia //poetry