Concert/Presentation of the CD "Travelers", DOT Quartet -  zo 3 april april 2016



SCHADE: €5,=


Pretorialaan 4B Rotterdam




DOT Quartet bestaat uit violisten Pablo Rodriguez, Chris Kosides, altvioliste Yanna Pelser en cellist Iván Nogueira. De veelzijdige musici ontmoetten elkaar in 2013 op het Codarts conservatorium in Rotterdam. Als klassiek geschoolde strijkers onderzochten ze de mogelijkheden van het strijkkwartet in een ander genre, namelijk de jazz- en volksmuziek. Ze produceren hun eigen muziek, beïnvloed door o.a. muzikale grootheden als Turtle Island Quartet, Duke Ellington en Cole Porter. Het kwartet werkt vaak samen en onlangs ontwikkelde zij in samenwerking met pianist en componist George Kosides een project genaamd ‘Press Start’, waarin een selectie van de beste ‘game-muziek’ gepresenteerd werd.


In december waren ze finalist tijdens de Music Matters Award. DOT Quartet nam geen award mee naar huis, maar ontving wel een eervolle vermelding van de jury. Op dit moment bereidt het kwartet zich op voor opnames voor een debuutalbum, dat in 2016 uitgebracht zal worden. In februari 2016 beginnen ze met hun tournee door Spanje en de Canarische Eilanden.




DOT Quartet is comprised of violinists Pablo Rodríguez, Chris Kosides, violist Yanna Pelser and cellist Iván Nogueira. They are prominent and versatile musicians who met in 2013 at the Rotterdam Conservatorium, Codarts, in the Netherlands.

Sharing a classical background, their interest in jazz music brought them to investigate in the possibilities that a string quartet offers. They produce and adapt their music, influenced by such great jazz figures and ensembles such as the Turtle Island Quartet, Pat Metheny, Duke Ellington and Cole Porter, among others. The result is a new sound concept, where improvisation and freshness are present in their performances.


Moreover, they often collaborate with other artists. Alessandro Russo, sax player, has taken part in the recording and concert performances of some arrangements for string quartet and sax made by the violist, Carmelo Patti. More recently, Dot Quartet developed a new project together with George Kosides (pianist and composers) based on videogames music, called “Press start”. In this show they present a selection of some of the best videogames soundtracks.


Dot Quartet has also recently been invited to participate in “Fifty Fiddles Festival” (September 2015, De Doelen, Rotterdam), where they performed some of their music along with Codarts String Orchestra. They also had the opportunity to play there with other great figures of the Jazz Violin scene (Tim Kliphuis, Jermund Larsen, Lenneke van Staalen…)


Furthermore, they have been chosen to participate in the final round of Music Matters Award 2015, which will took place in Rotterdam on December 2015. At the moment they are preparing the recording of their new album, which is going to be released in 2016. They have also planned a tour in Spain for February 2016 as a presentation of their new CD.


They have recently produced their first CD, “Travelers” which includes original compositions from all the members. In this album they combine many different influences such as jazz, folk, pop or indian music.